A hug from another survivor is different from someone who is trying to console're not alone.
How Survivors of Mass Shootings Are Helping a New Generation Heal
VIA Deseret NewsThe tornado made me want to do medicine here...I think one of the greatest gifts you can do is to give back to your community.
From students to doctors; 2 colleagues connected by the Joplin tornado
VIA KSHBI am glad the Disaster Distress Helpline exists to assist deaf and hard of hearing individuals going through difficult times emotionally and connects people with the resources they need.
Story of Hope: Shanda Miller
VIA Disaster Distress HelplineI figured that while everyone argues about politics or gun control, let’s do something to keep kids safe.
Mom fights to keep kids safe after Moore tornado
VIA TodayI hope that people who visit will learn of the strength within my community in the face of disaster.
On The Wings Of Butterflies: How art helped the community of Joplin recover from devastation
VIA State FarmIf it had not have been for the disaster, we might never have known how strong we really are and how many friends we really have.
Healing Through Journaling Five Years After the Storm
VIA KSMU Audio StoryWe're a group of moms who saw a need that nobody else did — because we're moms!
When tornadoes ravaged North Texas, a group of moms found a way to keep babies fed
VIA UPWorthy
To someone who’s lost everything, it can mean the world.