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Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
A hug from another survivor is different from someone who is trying to console you...you're not alone.
How Survivors of Mass Shootings Are Helping a New Generation Heal
VIA Deseret NewsWhile it's a sad day for us as a family and her loss is palpable, it is also a day of hope and celebration that we can continue to honor her life and her legacy in such a remarkable way.
Learning Facility in Newtown to Honor Sandy Hook School Shooting Victim
VIA NBC NewsOver these past seven autumns, I’ve learned that just showing up for neighbors during these difficult weeks between Halloween and December 14 can help lift at least some of the weight we carry.
Seven Autumns of Mourning in Newtown
VIA The AtlanticThe things that happen to us don’t have to define us.
How One Sandy Hook Survivor Is Moving Forward 3 Years Later
VIA Yahoo NewsLoad More